Tag Archives: ash wednesday

Benefits of Borrowing Money

Check out this guesting we had at Home Page.Mr. Armand Bengco, the Executive Director of Colayco Foundation, debunks the myths about debt, and enlightens the public on the benefits of debt.

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Fasting and Feasting

by: Art Ladaga

Yesterday, Catholics celebrated Ash Wednesday that marked the beginning of Lent. Lent is a season where people usually give up something as a form of recompense for their sins. Normally, this is done through fasting and abstinence.

The idea of sacrifice is very universal. One needs to give up something and promise to do something else.During this season, we present the things that you should FAST from and FEAST on. These apply not only in one’s personal finances, but in other aspects of life as well.

*Art Ladaga is the current Programs Development Officer of Colayco Foundation for Education.