Tag Archives: mindset

Playing with Numbers: The Cost of Freedom

Today, we celebrate Independence Day. For once a year, we remember the numerous sacrifices of many Filipinos who dared to do something significant to liberate this country from foreign power. The Social Studies books in schools are not enough to describe the heroism displayed by many Filipinos who fought for this land. And yet, many Filipinos today have taken this day for granted.

Many things in life have a cost. Even the freedom we’re experiencing right now had a cost- the blood and sacrifices of many Filipinos! Today, let’s honor and remember the people (known and unknown) who dared to make a difference to free this country. Without them, we will still remain under the shackles of foreign tyranny!


The Economics Of Marriage

Here’s another article from Mr. Colayco regarding the money side of marriage from Wedding Belle!

First appeared in Wedding Belle, September 2008, Issue 01

Seminar School Plus- Credit Cards

Got credit card woes? Clueless on how to properly use a credit card? Let Armand Q. Bengco, Executive Director of the Colayco Foundation show you the basic ropes about credit cards. Here’s the Credit Card episode from Seminar School Plus!

Catch Seminar School Plus on RHTV (Skycable Channel 67, Dream Digital Satellite TV Channel 10), every Saturday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm!

Wrestling with Financial Stress

by: Francisco J. Colayco

“Excessive expenses, too many loans, less savings- these are just some of the common problems people have that cause financial stress. Right now, you may have one was well. If left unresolved, you may find yourself struggling for life inside the financial ICU one day! Every day, many people find it difficult to deal with their financial stress. The main problem is that they do not have the proper mindset on how to deal with such situations. Thus, they end up worse than before.”

Want to know the right mindset on dealing with financial stress? Click here to find out!